Week 0: So, I hear you like emblems…

June 02, 2021 I’ll be honest, I’m going to probably be using most of the same contents that were in last year’s intro newsletter. So, let's get this rolling, shall we? You've made the wise decision to take part of the Destiny 1 Emblem Craft-a-long, you clever person, you! Just in case you're wondering what... Continue Reading →

An IlLUMUnating Post

On Sunday, new Halo footage was released. (Anyone who knows me that, alongside Legend of Zelda, Halo owns my gaming heart.) Anyway, one of the awesome people over at 343 shared a screenshot of a new character named Lumu. Adorable, right? So you know I had to stitch her. The problem I knew I had... Continue Reading →

It’s #30for30creating time

It’s getting close to #30for30creating time! Don’t know what that means?  Pick a project (new or old) to work on for 30 minutes every day for the month of June. Then, starting on June 1, post a picture on your social media platform of choice and tag it with #30for30creating. Repeat the process for each... Continue Reading →

Let the Guardian Games Begin

I know people of the internet have opinions about Guardian Games, but I had fun last year and I'm planning to do my part to make sure the Warlocks win this year. But, I wanted to give everyone a chance to celebrate their favorite class, so ta da! While you're waiting for the games to... Continue Reading →

Triple Threat

When I finished the emblem project last January, I really didn't think I was going to stitch any more D2 emblems. Stitching one would have seemed silly and there was absolutely no way I was going to try to come up with another 48. But, then I saw the Vendor Seasonal emblems for the Season... Continue Reading →


So, I found these little embroidery pouches at Target and, in my usual manner, decided to drop all other projects and start this immediately. I decided I was going to do a Destiny themed one. At first, I didn't think I would be able to fit an emblem in the design, but I found Rain... Continue Reading →

DMC Coloris & DMC Color Variations Blog

I am super pleased to finally announce and publish today this hopefully interesting article about the DMC Coloris range. Here, we're going to not only be looking at the primary project I've completed using one of the DMC Coloris threads, but also what the range looks like in actual stitches and a comparison with the other current multicoloured thread available - DMC Colour Variations!


A few years back, I started with this crazy idea to start a weekly stitch-a-long project using emblems from Destiny 2. 3+ years later, I finally have compiled a list of all the emblems that were part of that plus nearly a dozen others that never made it to the final projects.If you'd like to... Continue Reading →

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